Q and A


How can I prevent muscle wasting?


I’ve been positive since November ’09 after seroconversion in October ’09. Since then my CD4 count has been between 500 and 700, my viral load between 20K and 50K and my CD4% has never been below 28%. I eat healthy and well, cycle every day and gym three times a week. I am not on meds yet.

My question is about pre HIV treatment and muscle wasting, to what degree of muscle wasting am I likely to suffer and how can I prevent or reduce this?



Thank you for your question.

Muscle wasting usually occurs either as a side effect of treatment called lipoatrophy or when the CD4 count is very low (below 200). If you are healthy, not on treatment, taking regular exercise and eating a balanced diet then you should not experience HIV-related muscle wasting. You are already doing all the right things to prevent this from happening.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Andy, this isn’t likely to be related to your meds byt the way you are training and your diet. Please talk to your doctor or a trainer about the best ways to exercise.

  2. Andy

    I have the same problem .
    Taking Odefsey and after training my muscles looking great,but on the next day it’s gone.
    I also Need some advise,how do deal with this?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ryan,

    Muscle wasting is now less common. How long have you been on meds? And what’s your CD4 count?

  4. Ryan

    I am taking nevirapine and lamivudine/ziduvudine. I’m still lifting weights but the problem is i cannot retain the mass i aiming for. Muscles looks big after workout because it was pumped but the next day it will just look as if i dont go to the gym

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ryan,

    What meds are you taking? Have you lost a lot of weight since you started treatment?

  6. Ryan

    I have been HIV+ for 7 seven years now and i exercise regularly. My problem is I cannot achieve the mass/weight i wanted. Please help me how to prevent muscle wasting. I am taking meds since 2010


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