Q and A


Is a viral load "blip" caused by stress?

My doctor just called me now that my viral load is 94. I have been undetectable for years so I am worried. I have taken my medication everyday not missing a single dose but I have not been consistent with the time as i might be 3hours late but that was only for 3weeks, however I have been consistent with time just minutes late sometime. Please can u tell me the reason for the blip? I have been so stressed with work, school, relationship problem for months and I have been seriously depressed. can it have an impact in the result?


Viral load tests are not very sensitive at the low levels, so often blip results are lab errors.

From your email it shows you have been doing great with your adherence. Blips are rare in people on stable treatment who have such good adherence.

So the first interpretations is that this result might be due to a lap error therefore producing a false result.

The UK guideline recommends that you take another test the when you receive your result. This is to confirm the first test.

Secondly, over years of treatment, most people have a blip for one of their results. This is because viral load often fluctuates at low levels. Usually you are tested when it is low and this time may have been when it was just detectable. Single low-level blips (to less than a few hundred) are not linked to a higher risk of treatment failure in the future.

For more information on blips see:


On your second question, a few studies have suggested that stress may have an impact on your CD4 count. These studies did not report a relationship between stress and viral load.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Kal,

    If your viral load has been slowly increasing this is a sign that the meds that you’re taking aren’t working. This may require a change, please see here: http://i-base.info/guides/side Though this may be a scary thing, people change meds all the time. You’ll be OK.

  2. Kal El

    Could i enquire if everyone’s “blips” corrected themselves or not?
    My viral has been test 4 times now – 35, 90, 135 and 482 … I’m so anxious about changing meds.

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Brandon,

    A rise from undetectable to 7000 is unlikely to be a blip. However, it could be. You’re going to need to have your viral load monitored. Is this possible?

    If it continues to remain detectable even if you’re taking your meds, you could have developed resistance. If this is the case you’ll need to change combination. Please see here: http://i-base.info/guides/changing

  4. Brandon

    So I just got my recent labs and went from undetectable to a viral load of 7,000 and I been taking my meds daily with a missed dose 1 or two times nothing significantly. I have been under major stress along dealing with anxiety and multiple deaths in my immediate family but what is going on I’m nervous

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Moses,

    It could be just a blip if your viral load goes above detectable when you’re taking meds. Blips can be defined as an increase from less than 50 to above 200, 500 or even 1000. But most blips are under 200 copies. You can read more here.
    However, it’s a good idea to ask the clinic for another test so you can find out if it’s a blip or if there is viral rebound.

  6. Moses kyagulanyi

    I had undetected levels in 2016 and just had a test it shows its 881.what could be the issue.i have never missed taking my meds but been late on the times.
    My time i take meds has not been consistent.i need your help.

  7. Here

    I had a similar situation. I have been undetectable for years and about 4 months ago, my labs listed a viral load of 20. Five months earlier than that I came off a 10 day round of prednisone (a steroid and immunosuppressant) treatment for Bell’s Palsy (which cleared up in about 5 days).


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