

wasting – loss of lean body mass (muscle loss). A unplanned or unexplained wight loss of more than 5% body weight over six months can be an AIDS-defining illness.

Weight loss and wasting section of the training manual.

weight loss – a general reduction in weight. Weight loss can often be a symptom of other opportunistic infections.

Weight loss and wasting section of the training manual.

WHO (World Health Organisation) – international organisation involved in global responses to HIV.

WHO website.

wild-type virus – HIV that has no drug resistance mutations.

This is usually the virus that you were first infected with. However, approximately 10% of people who are diagnosed with HIV in the UK are likely to already have resistance to one or more HIV drugs.

This is called transmitted drug resistance. This is also why everyone diagnosed with HIV should also have a resistance tests.

Rates of transmitted drug resistance vary in different countries.