

parasite – an animal or plant that get nutrients and support by living on another species.

partially active – the HIV treatment in question will work against this virus but this is reduced compared to wild-type HIV. This is the same as partial resistance, or intermediate resistance etc.

PCP – pneumocystis jiroveci (new) or pneumocystis carinii (old). A fungal infection that causes pneumonia.

PCP section of the training manual.

PCR (polymerase chain reaction) –  type of viral load test.

peer support – support provided by people who share the same experience or problem. HIV peer support is provided by other HIV-positive people.

pegylated interferon (PEG interferon) – treatment for hepatitis C, given in combination with ribavirin. Given as a onceweekly injection.

PEP (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis) – a short course of HIV treatment to HIV to reduce the chance of infection. See prophylaxis and PrEP.

percentage (%) – a number as a proportion of 100.

percutaneous – umbilical cord sampling see cordocentis.

performance stage – WHO classification of progress of HIV infection.

WHO classification system.

Peripheral arterial disease refers to a narrowing or hardening (atherosclerosis) in the arteries in the arms or legs.

See: atherosclerosis

peripheral neuropathy (PN) – damage to the nerves in your hands or feet. PN can be caused by HIV or some HIV drugs.

Peripheral neuropathy – more infomation.

pharmacist – a medical professional who specialises in sourcing and dispensing drugs. A pharmacist should be an expert in drug interactions, and on exactly how drugs should be taken.

pharmacokinetics – the study of how drugs are absorbed, metabolised and cleared from the body.

phenotype — relating to how an organism behaves, based on how its genotype relates to the environment. Phenotypic resistance tests look at whether HIV continues to grow in a test tube after increasing concentrations of a drug are added. See genotype.

phenotype test – a type of drug resistance that tests whether a drug is sensitive or resistance to a sample of HIV.

PI (protease inhibitor) – a type of HIV drug.

HIV protease inhibitors include atazanavir, darunavir, fosamprenavir, indinavir, nelfinavir, lopinavir/r (Kaletra), ritonavir, saquinavir and tipranavir.

Drug targets in the virus life cycle

Different protease inhibitors have been developed to treat hepatitis C.

placenta – the placenta is a temporary organ that develops in pregnancy and joins the mother and foetus. The placenta acts as a filter. It transfers oxygen and nutrients from the mother to the foetus, and takes away carbon dioxide and waste products. The placenta is full of blood vessels.

The placenta is expelled from the mother’s body after the baby is born and it is no longer needed. It is sometimes called the afterbirth.

platelet – a blood cell that helps with blood clotting.

point of care – referring to you doctors office (or wherever you access care)