

Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2018)

First reports: cure studies, new drugs for PrEP and HIV, breaking news for TB care…

HTB: issue 4 online (23 February 2018)

Looking ahead to CROI 2018, global use of dolutegravir, challenges of being transgender and positive…

HTB: issue 3 online (09 February 2018)

New drug approvals, HIV and pregnancy, guidelines and online resources…

London clinic to prescribe generic PrEP privately at £55 for 30 tablets

Simon Collins, HIV i-Base On 10 February 2018, the sexual health clinic at 56 Dean Street in Soho launched a new programme that will provide generic tenofovir DF/emtricitabine, the dual pill that protects against HIV. This will use private prescriptions in …

i-Base 2018 appeal: we need your help…

£4.50 or £9.00 each month will support services this year…

HTB: issue 2 online (22 January 2018)

UK HIV statistics, IMPACT PrEP trial, US guidelines drop use of “HIV infected”…

New format HTB: issue 1 online (05 January 2018)

Best of 2017 review, Sadiq Khan signs London to end AIDS, drug resistance and early ART – register now…

London signed up as a fast-track HIV city by Mayor Sadiq Khan

Simon Collins, HIV i-Base On Wednesday 10 January 2018, Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London hosted a signing ceremony at City Hall for London to be the second UK city to join the HIV Fast Track City initiative. [1] Other …

2017: a year in review – why i-Base continues…

Polly Clayden and Simon Collins, HIV i-Base A review of 2017 with the most important news and trends. Hyperlinks in the text are to articles from HIV Treatment Bulletin (HTB) in 2017. Great news is always good to report… Steady …

November/December HTB now online

Reports from EACS 2017, 8th HIV and Ageing Workshop and IAS 2017. Plus journal reviews and other news.

1st Dec – Free tickets to “HIV Monologues” at National Gallery Theatre

Please spread the word… Written by community activist Pat Cash, HIV monologues includes moving and powerful performances of four characters, that together show how HIV is relevant now. This is a great chance to see the play in a wonderful …

Early reports from EACS 2017, Milan

EACS 2017, Milan: rapid reports…

Review of evidence supporting modern ART in pregnancy

Why modern HIV meds are safe in pregnancy

September/October HTB now online

ART in pregnancy, U=U, IAS 2017, PrEP in the UK and more…

The evidence for U=U – selected key studies from 20 years of accumulating evidence

The evidence for U=U: why negligible risk is zero risk

ART in pictures (Russian): АРТ в картинках

 АРТ в картинках: Доступно о лечении ВИЧ (1.3 Mb) August 2017 This resource was translated into Russian by the inspirational HIV organisation ITPCru. https://itpcru.org/2017/07/23/art-v-kartinkah-dostupno-o-lechenii-vich/

July/August HTB now online

IAS 2017 conference: 15 reports including new drugs… plus HIV and children, the PrEP IMPACT study in England and shortages of hepatitis vaccines in the UK…

IAS 2017 conference: 23-26 July, Paris

Studies to watch and early reports from the large HIV conference in Paris…

HIV pipeline report 2017: new drugs in development

Next generation of HIV treatments – including studies to watch for at IAS 2017…

May/June HTB now online

Generic abacavir in the UK, Option B+ in Malawi, new HIV pipeline from CROI, new ARVs, selected peer review reports and more…

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