

HIV Treatment Bulletin is our main journal reporting the latest science from conferences and journals. HTB South is an edition for souther Africa. ARV4IDUs is an edition focussing on treatment and treatment access for injection drug users published in English and Russian in PDF format.

HTB (HIV Treatment Bulletin)

Read HTB online PDFs Subscribe – it’s free HIV Treatment Bulletin is a technical review that is published every 4 weeks: roughly 12 times a year. HTB also includes related issues including  COVID-19 and monkeypox. Articles cover conference reports, journal …

HIV and COVID-19: new publication

22 July 2020 issue no 6 now online

HIV Tedavi Bülteni (HTB Turkey)

Since 2010, HIV Tedavi Bülteni Türkiye (HTB Turkey) is a Turkish-language publication produced by an independent group of Turkish doctors, activists and health care workers. This bulletin is published In April, August and December each year. PDF of all editions …

HIV Bilten (HTB West Balkans, BMCS)

Please click title link for the download page.

HTB South (Southern Africa)

Read HTB South online PDFs Subscribe – it’s free HIV Treatment Bulletin supplement with a focus on southern Africa. HTB South is produced and distributed  4 times a year in partnership with the Southern African HIV Clinicians’ Society. Articles cover …