How can drugs fail when I feel fine?

Viral failure relates to results from a viral load test. It is different to how well you feel.

It is when viral load continues to rise, even if you are taking all your meds.

Staying on a failing treatment, drug resistance becomes stronger. The CD4 count will then start to drop because the meds are no longer as active.

This might not be for several months but it will happen.

A lower CD4 count increases the risk of becoming ill. This is called clinical failure. See Figure 3.

Figure 3. From rebound to symptoms

Graph showing time from viral to clinical failure

  1. Viral load rebounds. If you stay on the same meds, it will keep rising. 
  2. Your CD4 count will then go down over time.
  3. As your CD4 count drops this increases the risk of becoming ill.

Last updated: 1 January 2025.