What if I only discover I am HIV positive late in pregnancy?

Late diagnosis is defined as after 28 weeks of pregnancy but before labour starts.

  • It is now rare to be diagnosed this late in the UK.
  • This is because all pregnant women should now be screened for HIV earlier in pregnancy.

But some people become HIV positive during pregnancy when the risk of catching HIV is also high.

If this happens to you, there is plenty that can be done to help you have an HIV-free baby.

Results from your viral load test will take less than a week in the UK, and sometimes only takes a few days. So some women in this situation will still be able to have a vaginal birth. This is if they start ART without delay and get an undetectable viral load by the time of birth.

Integrase inhibitors get viral load to undetectable very quickly. An integrase inhibitor-based (most commonly raltegravir) regimen is likely to be recommended in late pregnancy, particularly if you have a high viral load.

Last updated: 1 November 2023.