References – pregnancy

The information in this guide was based on the following key resources.

British HIV Association guidelines for the management of HIV infection in pregnant women 2018 (2020 third interim update). (download page)

British HIV Association guidelines for the management of HIV in pregnancy and postpartum 2018 (2020 third interim update) – PDF download)

Interim BHIVA position statement on HIV and mixed infant feeding

NAT. Access to formula milk in the UK: a policy briefing.

Swiss Federal Office of Public Health. Recommendations of the Swiss Federal Commission for Sexual Health (FCHS) for medical care of HIV-infected women and their offspring.

References supporting natural conception on ART

  1. Vernazza P et al. HIV-positive individuals not suffering from any other STD and adhering to an effective antiretroviral treatment do not transmit HIV sexually. (Les personnes séropositives ne souffrant d’aucune autre MST et suivant un traitment antirétroviral efficace ne transmettent pas le VIH par voie sexuelle). Bulletin des médecins suisses 89 (5), 30 January 2008. Included with English translation.
    Swiss Statement: English translation and original French publication  (PDF)
  2. Treatment is prevention: ARV treatment in HPTN-052 reduces transmission by at least 96%: single transmission in treatment arm occurred prior to viral suppression. HTB report, August 2011.
  3. No HIV transmissions with undetectable viral load: interim PARTNER study results show need for longer follow-up. HTB report March 2014.
  4. ZERO: no linked HIV transmissions in PARTNER study after couples had sex 58,000 times without condoms.
  5. Q&A on the PARTNER study: how to interpret the zero transmission results

Last updated: 1 November 2023.