2024 edition and access to PrEP in the UK
This updated edition includes new options that make PrEP easier to access and to take. The changes are based on new research about how PrEP works.
- Everyone who can benefit from PrEP should now be able to get it. You no longer have to be at high risk.
- Everyone now has the option to quick-start PrEP using a double first dose (two pills), working within two hours.
- Event-based dosing can also now be used by everyone. This uses either 2:1:1 or 2:7 dosing.
- New info covers starting and stopping PrEP and new versions of PrEP (TAF/FTC and injectables).
- UK guidelines in 2024 might include additional recommendations that could make PrEP even easier. This includes that people who currently need 6-7 daily doses a week might only need 4 or more.
Getting PrEP in the UK
PrEP is now available free from sexual health clinics across the UK. It can also still be bought online.
These sites have more information, including on how to find a sexual health clinic by postcode.
- Scotland: www.prep.scot
- Wales: www.shwales.online/wales-prep-project.html
- Northern Ireland: www.rainbow-project.org/prep
- England: www.nhs.uk/service-search/other-services/HIV-testing/LocationSearch/418
See also: information about buying PrEP online from the UK.
PrEP and COVID-19 (coronavirus)
Many PrEP clinics rearranged services because of COVID-19.
This might involve testing less frequently for HIV and STIs, and maybe longer prescriptions. PrEP is still just as safe and effective.
For more information on PrEP and coronavirus, please see this information from New York City (PDF): Sex and COVID-19
PrEP and mpox (monkeypox)
From May to December 2022, the UK had an mpox epidemic that included more than 3500 cases, mostly in gay men.
Luckily, cases then dramatically dropped to less than 10 a week in England during 2023, often less. Many people were able to have vaccinations. These will not always prevent infection, but will reduce the risk of serious symptoms.
PrEP will not protect against mpox. Vaccination is still available and is ecommended.
mpox – more detailed and updated information.
Last updated: 1 February 2024.