New HIVinSite Knowledge Base chapters; new website for information on herbs and supplements

New HIVinSite Knowledge Base chapters

Molecular Insights Into HIV Biology
Warner C. Greene, MD, PhD, and B. Matija Peterlin, MD

Surgery in Patients with HIV
William P. Schecter, MD, and Peter Stock, MD

HIV Transmission and Prevention in Prisons
Elizabeth Kantor, MD

Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS in the United States
Dennis H. Osmond, PhD, published 3/03.

Coinfection with Hepatitis Viruses and HIV
Mandana Khalili, MD, updated 3/03.

New website for information on herbs and supplements

Information on herbs and supplements referenced to scientific literature is now available on the website for the Integrative Medicine Service at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York.

Summarised information on clinical summary; scientific, brand and AKA names; purported uses; constituents; mechanism of action; contraindications; adverse reactions; drug interactions; literature summary; critique and references is provided for around 300 herbs and supplements.

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.