14th Annual BHIVA Conference, 23-25 April 2008, Belfast
12 June 2008. Related: Conference reports, BHIVA 14th Belfast 2008, Conference index.
The annual BHIVA spring conference has two main aims. In addition to presenting overview lectures on important aspects of HIV care and management – often given by international experts, it aims to encourage UK-based research and case studies by presenting research from junior doctors and researchers.
It also provides a forum for discussing changing aspects of care such as changes to treatment guidelines and the results of BHIVA audits into how closely treatment guidelines are being followed in practice.
This year, the spring conference was held in Belfast and attended by over 700 delegates.
The reports below cover a range of the presentations and discussions, including:
- Overview of MRC studies in 2008
- Initial results of BHIVA audit of HIV-related inpatient and day care in the UK
- Monitoring patients on antiretroviral therapy in resource-limited settings with viral load, CD4 count, or clinical observation alone
- Summary reports of other studies at BHIVA:
- Effect of 100 mg ritonavir once- and twice-daily on lipids and cardiovascular markers in HIV-negative volunteers
- New-fill used to treat lipoatrophy in feet
- Use of fibroscan as non-invasive alternative to liver biopsy in HCV/HIV coinfection
- Choice of ARVs for people after organ transplantation
- Cases of ventricular tachycardia and atazanavir/r and methadone
- Lower bilirubin increases in HCV-positive patients using atazanavir