June 2008
Volume 9 Number 5/6 May/June 2008
Conference reports
14th Annual BHIVA Conference, 23-25 April 2008, Belfast
Overview of MRC studies in 2008
Initial results of BHIVA audit of HIV-related inpatient and day care in the UK
Monitoring patients on antiretroviral therapy in resource-limited settings with viral load, CD4 count, or clinical observation alone
Lower bilirubin increases in HCV-positive patients using atazanavir
Cases of ventricular tachycardia and atazanavir/r and methadone
Choice of ARVs for people after organ transplantation
Use of fibroscan as non-invasive alternative to liver biopsy in HCV/HIV coinfection
New-fill used to treat lipoatropy in feet
Effect of 100mg ritonavir once- and twice-daily on lipids and cardiovascular markers in HIV-negative volunteers
15th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Boston, 2-6 February 2008
Immediate HAART reduces death and AIDS progression over 48 weeks in patients with acute OIs
Utility of routine viral load, CD4 count and clinical monitoring among HIV-positive adults in rural Uganda
Implementation of more complex regimens for prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Rwanda
The estimated cost of switching from d4T to TDF in South Africa
Gender differences in viral load by CD4 count in men and women
Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome in young children initiating ART
Complications with BCG vaccination in HIV-positive and negative infants: CHER Study
The association between clinical characteristics and HIV-infection in very young infants
Safety and efficacy of boosted darunavir in treatment-experienced children and adolescents at 24 weeks
Responses to atazanavir-containing HAART in treatment-naive children in South Africa
Initial growth, CD4, and viral load responses to HAART in Ugandan compared to UK/Irish HIV-positive children
Paediatric pharmacokinetic studies
A pilot study of three treatment strategies for HIV-positive infants
Tibotec issue Dear Doctor letter and FDA require darunavir label change relating to hepatotoxicity
Atazanavir 300mg capsule available
Raltegravir approved in Scotland
Abacavir, ddI and risk of heart attack: additional published data and statements from the EMEA and FDA
Treatment access
Key patient safety concern removed in new FDA guidance for non-US trials
FDA approval of generic ARVs
Paediatric care
US paediatric guidelines updated (2008)
New paediatric dosing recommendations for atazanavir
Basic science and immunology
Understanding control of HIV replication in the absence of therapy
A surreal, deeply troubling week for AIDS vaccine research
BHIVA news
Draft BHIVA treatment guidelines online for comment
Other news
IAS calls for immediate release of Chinese activist
Thailands war on drugs will undermine national AIDS fight and human rights: police given licence to kill drug users
Activists criticise AIDS conference on opening day: Russian ban on substitution drug treatment is an Iron Curtain to ARV treatment
Opportunities for healthcare workers to volunteer overseas
On the web
Conference reports and abstracts: 9th International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of HIV Therapy and 6th European HIV Drug Resistance Workshop
New UK support group for gay men with HIV/HCV coinfection
HCV pipeline report
IHRD Harm Reduction Report
TB – Online medical resources
Metabolic and Immune Activation Effects of Treatment Interruption in Chronic HIV-1 Infection: Implications for Cardiovascular Risk
Volume 9 Number 5/6 May/June 2008 PDF
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Stopping ART safely if your clinic is closed or runs out of meds: a practical guide
24 March 2025
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