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PLoS Medicine

The following HIV related papers were published in PLoS Medicine, Volume 9(3) March 2012

CD4 Cell Count and the Risk of AIDS or Death in HIV-Infected Adults on Combination Antiretroviral Therapy with a Suppressed Viral Load: A Longitudinal Cohort Study from COHERE.

Young j et al.

The European COHERE cohort shows that in successfully treated patients the risk of a new AIDS event or death follows a CD4 cell count gradient in patients with viral suppression.

No Treatment versus 24 or 60 Weeks of antiretroviral treatment during primary HIV infection: The randomized Primo-SHM Trial.

Grijsen ML et al.

This study of approximately 170 people diagnosed in primary HIV infection randomised participants to immediate treatment for either 24 or 60 weeks or to now treatment, finding that both treatment arms resulted in significantly longer time until treatment was started or restarted.

The Evolving Landscape of the Economics of HIV Treatment and Prevention.

Nosyk B et al.

The cost-effectiveness of HAART roll out has been significantly underestimated because economic analyses do not account for the beneficial impact of HAART on HIV transmission.

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