14th International Workshop on Co-morbidities and Adverse Drug Reactions (IWCADR), 19–21 July 2012, Washington

This year, the multiple meetings held prior to the IAS conference contributed to slightly lower attendance at this long establish meeting with an interest in the complications in HIV and HIV/HCV coinfection (formerly “the lipodystrophy workshop”).

It is therefore disappointing – and an indication of funding difficulties shared by this and other specialised meetings – that this year none of the usually excellent plenary sessions or any other part of the programme are available as webcasts.

However, the abstract book from the meeting, published as a supplement to Antiviral Therapy, is available with free online access.


Reports included in this issue of HTB are:

  • Skeletal muscle toxicity and raltegravir
  • Proteinuria as a potential early marker of tenofovir-related renal toxicity
  • Earlier and greater comorbidities reported in HIV positive cohort

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.