RITA online: PrEP issue
1 February 2013. Related: On the web.
This important edition of Research Initiative, Treatment Action (RITA!) interviews key researchers and features two comprehensive reviews of preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP).
http://www.centerforaids.org/pdfs/ritawinter2012.pdf (PDF)
Robert Grant (UCSF), principal investigator of the iPrEx study argues the importance of considering PrEP for anyone who states they want to find new ways to protect themselves or their partners from HIV, regardless of apparent or perceived risk factors and Raphael Landovitz (UCLA) explains how he and other clinicians have begun integrating PrEP into practice.
Together, the review articles offer a thorough analysis of PrEP research to date, including a practice-oriented synopsis of trials involving Truvada for PrEP. 
The first analyses the importance of adherence to once-daily Truvada PrEP, the potential for less than once-daily PrEP, resistance risk with Truvada PrEP, and cost. The second provides the first research-based analysis of kidney function and bone density risk with Truvada PrEP in HIV-negative men and women who are most likely to consider PrEP.