Renewal of Indian Global Fund Grant made conditional on government funding for ART

The Global Fund is calling on India to increase government funding for the provision of antiretroviral treatment (ART) for people living with HIV.

The Global Fund is concerned about the sustainability of the National AIDS Control Programme (NACP) in India because the NACP is relying 100% on Global Fund resources to finance its ART budget.

The Fund would like to see India pick up the bill for a significant portion of ART expenses, which would permit Global Fund resources to be re-directed to programmes that support vulnerable and high risk groups, community systems strengthening and accelerated expansion of community based interventions in high prevalence states.

The Global Fund said that it will include a Board Condition in the grant agreement for the next implementation period of a Round 4. Specifically, requires a sustainability plan for the National AIDS Control Program.


Global Fund Observer. Board Imposes Conditions on Renewal of India HIV Grant: Global Fund wants more government funding for ART. (12 December 2013).

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