21st Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), 3-6 March 2014, Boston


CROI 2014 logo-190This year the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections – the leading HIV conference on basic and clinical science – was held in Boston from 3-6 March 2014.  

While the meeting mostly looked and felt like CROI, the strains of the ongoing legal wrangle with the previous secretariat are taking time to work through – most notable for a scandolous and spiteful decision to inactivate the previous 20-year online conference archive.

It is important that the CROI committee are now partnering with IAS-USA to ensure the meeting is secure for the future, and dates for the 2015 meeting are already online.

This year though, the access to abstract and posters for people who were either unable to attend and for reference afterwards is patchy, which makes linking references in HTB reports more difficult.

Webcasts from the conference are now online – an essential aspect of CROI’s historical lead as an educational resource – and CROI has also released an app via both Apple and Google that will allow presentations to be viewed on mobile devices after the conference ends.

Some posters are also available online as PDF files, but abstracts from the conference are not yet online as html pages and many can only be accessed by downloading a PDF file of the abstract book.

Abstract book (a sturdy 61MB PDF file)
http://croi2014.org/sites/default/files/uploads/CROI2014_Final_Abstracts.pdf (PDF)

Update: Abstracts now are available from the online searchable database.

The programme itself though was as packed as ever, and as usual we will spread out reports over (at least) two issues of HTB.

Reports in this issue of HTB are:

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.