Clinical management of HIV: EACS online course

The Clinical Management of HIV online Course, led by Prof Jens D. Lundgren and Prof Manuel Battegay, is an online, flexible, open access course.

It is available to anyone who wishes to participate, free of charge, but is especially aimed at clinicians in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The course, sponsored by the European AIDS Clinical Society and supported by WHO Europe, will provide an in-depth understanding of the scope and manifestations of HIV-related diseases, their prevention, management, and care.

Special emphasis will be placed on co-infections and co-morbidities as well as state-of-the-art treatment of HIV according to international guidelines from EACS and WHO.

In February 2016 the EACS online course Clinical Management of HIV was successfully launched for the first time. The online course is now relaunched in an updated version 1 May – 9 June 2017 with a 6 week moderated course period.

The online model promotes more flexibility than a traditional face-to-face approach as participants can join in when their schedule allows and select the modules in the order they desire. Participants should plan on using 1 to 1½ hours per subtopic. Russian and English subtitles will be available for video lectures, while other course materials will be available in English.

The application form for this course is on the EACS website.

Please return this completed form to:

In addition to submitting this application form by email, all course participants will be required to register online at the site hosting the course.

For more information please email:

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.