April 2017
March/April 2017: Volume 18 Number 3/4
Special reports
i-Base appeal: we need your help…
Conference reports
23rd Annual Conference of BHIVA, 4-7 April 2017, Liverpool
Drop in HIV incidence in gay men: frequent testing, early ART and PrEP
Prompt/early ART: Dean Street pilot project reports 75% uptake
Potential for phylogenetic analysis to show direction of HIV transmission
Community presentations: dental care, HIV awareness and access to formula milk
Initiatives for earlier HIV diagnosis: opt-out ER and home testing
No new HIV cases in 398 people using PrEP at Dean Street clinic
Other selections and webcasts
24th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2017), 13-16 February 2017, Seattle
Dose reduction potential of nanoparticle ARV formulations confirmed in humans
VRC01 in HIV-exposed newborns: first results support monthly injections for those at risk through breastfeeding
Raltegravir pharmacokinetic targets met in high-risk HIV-exposed infants
Tenofovir alafenamide exposure is modestly higher in children than adults
New HIV diagnoses in children in UK and Ireland continue to decline
World Health Organisation paediatric dosing tool
Pre-ART drug resistance in rural South Africa but limited clinical impact with good adherence
Immune-based therapy canakinumab reduces inflammatory markers in HIV positive people on ART
Significant interaction between once-weekly isoniazid/rifapentine and daily dolutegravir: study stopped due to toxicity
Increased risk of IRIS with integrase inhibitors reported in two studies
Breakthrough for treating XDR-TB and ameliorating TB-IRIS
PrEP in pregnancy does not increase poor birth outcomes
HIV cure research and basic science: capsules from CROI 2017
Treatment access
PrEP approved in Scotland but not in Wales
EACS guidelines: seven translations now online (2017)
Cure-related research
Flagging the HIV reservoir: a potential new marker for CD4 cells hiding HIV
Other news
HIV: is victory in sight? – Brighton talk
Introduction to cost-effectiveness analysis for infectious diseases
Clinical management of HIV: EACS online course
On the web
Community report: RITA: dyslipidemia with HIV
March/April 2017: Volume 18 Number 3/4
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