24th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2017), 13-16 February 2017, Seattle
24 April 2017. Related: Conference reports, CROI 24 (Retrovirus) 2017, Conference index.
This issue of HTB includes further reports from the 24th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2017) held in Seattle from 13-16 February 2017.
CROI is one of the leading scientific HIV meetings and the exciting news is that there was much to report.
The conference also provides free access to the conference materials online, including comprehensive webcasts of all oral presentations, available immediately after each session.
The programme for the meeting and abstract books can be downloaded as PDF files.
The searchable abstracts database links directly to PDF files for most posters.
New CROI reports for this issue of HTB include:
- Dose reduction potential of nanoparticle ARV formulations confirmed in humans
- VRC01 in HIV-exposed newborns: first results support monthly injections for those at risk through breastfeeding
- Raltegravir pharmacokinetic targets met in high-risk HIV-exposed infants
- Tenofovir alafenamide exposure is modestly higher in children than adults
- New HIV diagnoses in children in UK and Ireland continue to decline
- World Health Organisation paediatric dosing tool
- Pre-ART drug resistance in rural South Africa but limited clinical impact with good adherence
- Immune-based therapy canakinumab reduces inflammatory markers in HIV positive people on ART
- Significant interaction between once-weekly isoniazid/rifapentine and daily dolutegravir: study stopped due to toxicity
- Increased risk of IRIS with integrase inhibitors reported in two studies
- Breakthrough for treating XDR-TB and ameliorating TB-IRIS
- PREP in pregnancy does not increase poor birth outcomes
- HIV cure research and basic science: capsules from CROI 2017