March/April 2017: Volume 18 Number 3/4

i-Base 2017 appealFor the first time in 17 years, we are sorry that this issue of HTB is only being produced in digital format.

This is because i-Base is faced with reduced funding for 2017 and we have to restructure some services to enable the project to continue.

Although more than half our regular readers already receive PDF or online distribution, more than 2500 subscribers still get the print edition. And while it only costs less than 50 pence (yes, two for a pound), postage more than doubles these costs.

If you currently receive HTB by post, please register for electronic subscriptions to continue to receive HTB and other i-Base publications.

Or send an email with “subscribe HTB” in the subject to :

Please also consider helping with our funding appeal to support i-Base for the next year.

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.