9th IAS Conference on HIV Science (IAS 2017)

IAS web logo1The 9th IAS Conference on HIV Science (IAS 2017) was held from 23–26 July 2017.

As with all IAS conferences, many of the key presentations are available online after the meeting.

All abstracts are also posted online, with full versions of the posters and presentations often also available from the conference website.

Webcasts are published to three different webpages:

The main IAS 2017 youtube channel includes most oral abstract presentations and some plenary sessions.
IAS 2017 on youtube.com

Live broadcasts for opening and closing ceremonies, and some press conferences are at this link on the conference website. Currently the link to the closing ceremonies with rapporteur summaries and the community speech is not available.

Press conferences and other webcasts are online on a different IAS youtube channel.
IAS 2017 press conference webcasts

HTB reports in this issue are:

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.