Publications launched at IAS 2017

The IAS 2017 conference is used as a focus for many reports and special publications.

New publications will be added to the list below as they become available.

WHO resistance coverWHO HIV drug resistance report

This new 70-page WHO report was produced with the Global Fund and the US CDS.

The report compiles current levels of HIV drug resistance in different key countries, with implications for choosing first-line ART.

In 6 of the 11 countries surveyed in Africa, Asia and Latin America, over 10% of people have drug resistance to at least one of the main HIV drug classes before starting treatment.

Read and download the report from WHO website.

WHO-transistion to ARV report 2017 coverTransition to new antiretroviral drugs in HIV programmes: clinical and programmatic considerations (WHO)

WHO has recommended adopting drug regimens with high potency, lower toxicity, high genetic barriers to resistance, usefulness across different populations and lower cost. The use of optimised drug regimens can improve the durability of the treatment and quality of care of people living with HIV.

Adopting optimised antiretroviral (ARV) drug regimens can significantly affect the speed at which the  90-90-90 targets are achieved, enhancing access to treatment and improving treatment outcomes with impact on treatment adherence, viral suppression and the quality of life of people living with HIV, reducing pressures on health systems and the risk of HIV transmission.

Read and download report from WHO website. (PDF)

PIPELINE 2017 reduced coverHIV pipeline report (i-Base)

Annual review of the HIV research pipeline, this year available in full and summary versions.

This year this report is part of the i-Base Fit for Purpose report on treatment Ooptimisation (see below).

Read the report online or download PDF versions.

Fit for purpose: Antiretroviral treatment optimisation for adults and children. HIV i-Base. July 2017Fit for Purpose (i-Base)

The July 2017 Fit for Purpose: antiretroviral treatment optimisation for adults and children report provides a comprehensive overview of strategies for treating HIV globally. This includes timelines for new generic drugs and alternative dosing.

It includes chapters on adult and paediatric pipeline reviews.

Read Fit for Purpose online or download PDF versions (launched 10 am 24 July)

IAS/Lancet: Commission on the future of the HIV response and global health

This report on global responses to HIV is based on a programme launched at the previous IAS conference in Vancouver two years ago.

Read open access articles on The Lancet website.

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.