Updated European guidelines launched at EACS 2017

Simon Collins, HIV i-Base

As with previous years, the conference was used to launch the 2017 update for the EACS guidelines.

The English edition (Version 9.0) are now available in print, online and as a n App.

Translations into Chinese, French, German, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish will be available shortly.

These practical guidelines on the management of HIV infection are based on easy-access look-up tables and summaries of key topics that are organised into five main sections:

  1. Initial assessment
  2. ART
  3. Comorbidities
  4. Hepatitis B and C coinfection
  5. Opportunistic infections

The 200-page handbook is also supplemented with additional content that is only available online.

Main changes in this edition are also summarised at the beginning of the guidelines and include:

  • Updating references to newer drugs (TAF) and removing older drugs (lopinavir/r)
  • New sections on NAFLD, chronic lung disease, prescribing in elderly patients and solod organ transplant (SOT)
  • Drug interaction tables are updated.
  • Updated sections on monitoring for management of hypertension, diabetes, lipid management, STIs and HPV vaccination.
  • Updated HBV and HCV sections.
  • Updates for management of cryptococcal infections and TB.


http://www.eacsociety.org/files/guidelines_9.0-english.pdf (PDF)

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.