Yale CRIT conference: blogs on the threats from changes to drug regulation in the US and Europe

Last year a US conference brought together a diverse group of healthcare activists concerned about changes to drug regulations.

One outcome is a series of blogs from participants.


  • Seven thoughts on the history and present practices of the FDA and uses of prescription drugs – Donald Light and Joel Lexchin
  • Transparency by sleight of hand? – Matthew Herder
  • Regulating medical products in the interest of the public – Alain Alsalhani
  • Regulators must act in the public interest when considering real world evidence: examples from TB and HIV treatments – Marcus Low and Catherine Tomlinson
  • Supporting evidence-informed practice by improving clinical research – Rita Banzi
  • Randomised clinical trials will be needed for the foreseeable future – Susan Ellenberg
  • What does a pro-patient, pro-public health regulatory agency look like? – Michael Carome
  • Federal “right to try” legislation – perpetuating a misguided skepticism towards the FDA – Jeanie Kim
  • Patient advocacy must be rooted in evidence and science literacy to make a real difference – Fran Visco
  • Are payers willing to engage in evidence-based coverage decisions? – Dan Ollendorf
  • What is the state of the evidence base for medical products we use currently? – Tom Jefferson
  • Why high quality evidence matters: lessons from HIV activism and drug development – Simon Collins
  • Deregulatory pressures on the FDA – Alison Bateman-House and Arthur Caplan

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.