BHIVA/THT updated guidelines for social distancing in the UK

Simon Collins, HIV i-Base

On 23 June 2020, BHIVA/THT updated guidance to reflect changes in government advice on COVID-19 in the UK.

From 6 July

  • People can meet outdoors in groups of up to six people from outside your household. This still involves social distancing and not sharing items such as cups and plates.
  • If you live alone (or are a lone adult with dependent children under 18), you can form a support bubble with another household.

From 1 August

  • There is no need to shield. You can visit shops and places of worship, with strict social distancing.

The guidance about shielding is slightly different if you live in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland.

For HIV positive people shielding due to a very low CD4 count or recent serious illness related to HIV, please speak to your HIV doctor. This is especially if you are worried about stopping shielding.

However, shielding support from the Government will only continue until the end of July.

Please be careful to continue social distancing and hand washing. Also, to avoid any contact with people who are diagnosed with COVID-19 or who have possible symptoms.

Please see the full guidance for additional links and details.


BHIVA. Updated Government guidance on 22 June – advice from the British HIV Association (BHIVA) and the Terrence Higgins Trust (THT). (23 June 2020).

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.