R4P virtual conference (2021)

27-28 January and 3-4 February 2021 


Every two years this international conference brings together a dynamic programme that highlights the most important research on HIV prevention.

The 2021 meeting was organisation by the IAS and held as a virtual meeting.

Some aspects of the virtual meeting worked well – with most talks quickly available online to delegates.

Other aspects of the meeting made this a very difficult meeting to attend. For example, there was no printable programme or PDF version of an abstract book. Posters were difficult to view with no option to download PDF versions. There was no option to directly email researchers with questions.

It is also unclear whether conference materials will be made available to non-delegates after the meeting. Giving the considerable cost and work to put the meeting online, open access after the event should be routine. Or how long the current website will remain active.


Reports in this issue are:

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.