HTB April 2022 (1 April 2022)

The ongoing war in Ukraine has dominated the news and continues to deeply affect our lives, even when we are lucky enough to not be directly involved and are mainly watching from a distance.

The impact on the people of Ukraine has been terrible and, as with the last issue, we include organisations that are accepting financial support.

This includes the EACS collaboration which includes donation of drugs and other medical supplies from doctors and other health professionals.

100 bottles of donated ARVs for Ukraine from UK-CAB members.

For people in the UK, please send any unused and unwanted medicines, including HIV drugs to:
FAO HIV consultants, 5th Floor Mortimer Market Centre, London, WC1E 6JB.

In the first week of this emergency project, the UK-CAB sent more than 100 bottles of antiretrovirals that would otherwise have been wasted.

The rest of this issue continues our reports from CROI 2022, which has now enabled open-access to all conference materials, including webcasts.

Reports focus on complications including diabetes, mental health, NAFLD, long COVID and liver disease. We also include a review of islatravir studies, PEP starter packs in the UK and a report on cure-related research from Richard Jefferys.

CROI 2022Other news include the FDA expanded indication to adolescents for cabotegravir/rilpivirine-LA and making the oral lead-in dose now being optional.

COVID-19 news includes the support from BHIVA for a fourth vaccine dose for all people living with HIV in the UK.

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.