Understanding HIV and monkeypox coinfection: NEAT/EACS dashboard
1 September 2022. Related: mpox, Coinfections and complications.
Simon Collins, HIV i-Base
The NEAT ID Foundation, in partnership with the European AIDS Clinical Society (EACS), has developed a real-time Dashboard to monitor monkeypox coinfection in people living with HIV.
This data will help understand impact of HIV on morbidity and mortality associated with monkeypox.
For example, it is likely that persons with advanced and uncontrolled HIV may be at a higher risk of severe disease and prolonged viral shedding. This will include some people who are only diagnosed with HIV because of MPX.
This Dashboard will publish cases by country and region, hospitalisations and outcomes, including death.
Individual clinic data will only be seen by the submitting site and will be password and security protected.
This project is asking for data to be recorded for the months of April, May and June 2022 and then to input retrospectively on a weekly basis.
For further information please email: dashboard@neat-id.org
Please include your name, email, site name, city, and country. The group will respond with your site login details within 24 hours.
This important project depends on active support from HIV clinics with MPX cases.
Given that time is limited in all setting the Dashboard has been designed to easily add minimal data.