AIDS 2024: Including people living with HIV in non-HIV research

Simon Collins, HIV i-Base

One of the community workshops at AIDS 2024 focussed on the importance of including people living with HIV in a broad range of research that isn’t based on HIV.

We are affected by all other health-related problems and sometimes our risk might even be higher than the general population, especially if these are related to other viral infections.

ART is now so effective, that it is no longer acceptable for HIV to be routinely included as an exclusion criteria for other research. Unfortunately, this is still a common problem however, including with many cancer studies.

The workshop was held on 20 July 2024 as part of the #Living2024 conference and ahead of the International AIDS Society’s AIDS 2024 conference in Munich.

It was organised by EATG who have posted a report online.

EATG workshop link.

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.