14th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, 25-28 February 2007, Los Angeles
24 April 2007. Related: Conference reports, Conference index, CROI 14 Los Angeles 2007.
The Annual CROI remains the most important HIV-focused medical conference, with many companies and researchers holding back data to present at this meeting. This year the meeting was held in downtown Los Angeles.
The meeting attracted almost 4000 attendees and included over 1000 abstracts with a programme that was particularly strong on new drugs including integrase inhibitors raltegravir and elvitegravir, the CCR5 inhibitor maraviroc, and NNRTIs etravirine and rilpivirine.
The CROI website now makes all key lectures and oral presentations available online, and includes online searchable free access to the abstracts from the meeting, and posts an increasing proportion of poster abstracts online in PDF format (though this is still only for a minority of the posters).
This broad access means that it is easy to see important trial results and overview lectures directly this is better that through a community or medical journalist and the questions and discussion at the end of each session are also included in these web presentations.
We encourage readers to find a few hours to follow some of this important material first hand.
As usual, we will include reports from this conference over several issues of HTB.
Studies covered in the issue include:
- Unless stated otherwise, references are to the Programme and Abstracts for the 14th Conference on Retrovirus and Opportunistic Infections, available online. Webcasts (including slides) and podcasts are also available on the site.
Programme and abstracts
Several other community organisations cover this meeting including:
National AIDS Treatment Advocacy Project
HIV and Hepatitis.com
Aids Map
An excellent set of non-technical interviews between treatment advocates and key researchers were recorded at the conference by IFARA.TV and are available online: