XI International HIV Drug Resistance Workshop: basic principles and clinical implications; Seville, Spain July 2-5, 2002

from Medscape HIV/AIDS

Daniel R Kuritzkes, MD

In 1992, the first HIV Drug Resistance Workshop was held in Noordwijk, The Netherlands, just before the VIII International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam.

After the fifth resistance meeting, management passed to another company and the meeting was renamed the International Workshop on HIV Drug Resistance, Eradication, and Treatment Strategies. “Eradication” was quickly dropped from the name, and the meeting continued unchanged through last year’s Fifth International Workshop on Drug Resistance and Treatment Strategies. This year the meeting management changed once again, although the Organising and Scientific Committees remain unchanged, and the old name was restored.

Counting all of the meetings since 1992, this year marks the 11th time that this group of investigators has assembled to discuss issues related to HIV drug resistance. The overwhelming consensus of attendees was that the 2002 meeting, held in Seville, Spain, was the most interesting in recent years.

This report summarises new information from this meeting, much of which was also presented at the XIV International AIDS Conference, which immediately followed it in Barcelona.

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