Newletters and journals

PRN Notebook – March 2004

Mechanisms of HIV drug resistance: a primer

François Clavel, MD

Protease inhibitor therapy: boosted and double-boosted options to the fore

Schlomo Staszewski, MD

Management of HIV/HCV coinfection – an update

Ray Chung, MD

The changing face of HIV infection in children

Joseph S. Cervia, MD, FACP, FAAP

Buprenorphine and the treatment of opioid addiction

Sharon Stancliff, MD

Pre-press releases of two new PRN Reports are also available on line:

Antiretrovirals for the world: needs and challenges

Alice Pau, PharmD

HIV and cardiovascular disease: responding to the risk

Marshall J. Glesby, MD, PhD

Journal of IAPAC – March 2004

Why people with HIV still die – and why they don’t have to…

IAPAC Monthly – Vol. 10, No. 3, March 2004

Mark Mascolini

This article does not address [the thousands who die daily around the globe because they cannot get antiretrovirals], or people in the United States, for example, who die killing time on an AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) waiting list.

Instead, this IAPAC Monthly article considers the thousands who can and usually do get potent antiretrovirals but die anyway. Their numbers may be dwindling, but they are far from small. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 50,610 people with HIV died in the United States in 1995, the year before potent combinations turned the tide. By 1998 better treatment had more than halved that number, but 19,005 people with HIV still died in the United States.3 The tally continued to drop in the 21st century but stood at a still dismaying 16,371 in 2002.

For the full-text article, including links to references and tables, click on the link below.

Hopkins HIV Report – March 2004

The March 2004 Hopkins HIV Report has been added. Included are links to 11CROI and 2nd IAS HIV Pathogenesis and Treatment abstracts that are cited. Tables and graphics have also been restored in the abstracts. We were, unfortunately, unable to provide links to the ICAAC abstracts, since ICAAC/ASM restricts access to ASM membership only.

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.