23 February 2018: vol 19 no 4

This short pre-CROI edition of HTB includes likely highlights from the important annual conference – this year being held in Boston.

Rapid reports from CROI will be posted online as they become available, and will also be compiled in the next issues of HTB. Also recommended, the excellent BHIVA feedback meetings that will be held in six cities across the UK a couple of weeks later.

Other news includes several new UK policies:

  • Universal ART on diagnosis – approved in the UK
  • Gay men to have access to HPV vaccination

Also, importantly for global health, the first FDA tentative approval for a fixed dose combination (FDC) containing dolutegravir, emtricitabine and TAF.

This issue includes several reviews relating to inform the planned large-scale roll-out of generic FDCs based on this integrase inhibitor and new reviews from Richard Jefferys on cure research.

Finally, a review from a recent survey highlighting levels of discrimination and difficulties reported by trans people and links to new resources to mobilise access to PrEP.

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.