Q and A


I’m feeling weak, tired and dizzy. What’s going on?

I’ve been on treatment for quite a while now but i’m tired of taking it. I feel weak, tired and dizzy. What’s going on?



I’m sorry to hear that you are having difficulty with your treatment.

I’m afraid that without knowing which meds you are on i can’t give you specific information. However a number of things can affect how you feel when you take treatment. This includes at what time of the day you take your treatment and if you take it with food.

In the UK if someone is having trouble with their treatment they would usually be offered the chance to change to a different combination. You could ask your doctor or clinic if there are different meds available. They can also help you work out if your symptoms are caused by something other than your meds.

You can find more information about side effects in our online guide.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Adebayo, how long have you been positive? and when did you start treatment? Do you know your current CD4 count?

    Do you have any other symptoms e.g., fever, night sweats and/or unintentional weight loss?

    Have you been to see a doctor about your current symptoms?

  2. Adebayo

    Am positive and am on drugs,but still feel dizziness,weakness of the body.am also vomiting.what’s going on?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Priscilla, what medication are you taking? and for how long have you been feeling this weakness?

  4. Priscilla

    I feel pain in my legs for sometime now and numbness I have been on the medication since 2005 but I feel week in my body I don’t know what is going on I need help.


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