Q and A


I have missed a dose, what should i do now?



If you have missed a dose you should take it as soon as you remember. If you have only realised when you’re taking your next dose do not take a double dose. Almost everyone will be late or miss a dose occasionally. However this becomes a concern if it is happening regularly.

If you are regularly missing doses you are at risk of developing resistance. This means that you meds will stop working effectively. This is why adherence is important. Adherence means taking your meds every day and as close to the same time as possible.

If you are you can talk to your clinic about why you are missing doses. If it is because of side effects for example there might be different meds available.

There is more detail about what you should do if you miss a dose in this treatment training guide

And more information about adherence in our online guide to treatment.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi John,

    Its just not recommended to double dose as there’s no need too.

  2. John

    What is the reason for not taking a double dose to make up for a missed dose? I keep seeing dire warnings not to double up.

    I was prescribed Truvada/Isentress 2×600 once per day. I’m taking the Isentress as one tablet twice a day. I missed a dose of Isentress a took two to make up for it. Because I was prescribed 1200 once a day, there is no danger of toxicity. Is there something to consider other than toxicity that would make it advisable to not double the dose?

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi James,

    Are you HIV positive and also taking ART? This website is a resource for people who are HIV positive. Are you taking an antibiotic for a skin infection? If so, it’s a good idea to keep on taking them until the course is finished.

  4. James

    Just missed my dose today as per I went to visit my relative and forgot to carry them with me.so can it cause any harm
    Its a dose dealing with skin infection

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Andi,
    It sounds like you’ve worked out a great system for taking your meds. Efavirenz lasts for a while in the body, so you should be fine just to skip it until tomorrow.

  6. Andi

    I take truvada and efavirenz, truvada in the morning and efavirenz at night.. i took efavirenz by mistake in the morning, should I take it again at night or shouldn’t just skip it until tomorrow night?

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Ben,
    It’s a good idea to take your meds as soon as you remember. This should be fine. There was no reason to wait until the next dose was due as you’d already missed a day. But if you remember and it’s time for your next dose, don’t take 2 doses together.

    Here’s a link to some tips for remembering to take your meds.

  8. Ben

    Hello, I’m supposed to take my meds by 10pm every night. I missed it the other night and when the next night came I slept off and woke by 4am and then I took them hurriedly. I didn’t want to miss the second day in a row that was why I took it when I woke up. Did I make a mistake? I am just worried that I should have waited till the next dose was due.

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nosie,

    Yes its OK to do this.

  10. Nosie


    I missed taking my dose last night and i was doing night shift is it ok to take it now in the morning when I get home then continue with my routine this evening?


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