
I have missed a dose, what should i do now?



If you have missed a dose you should take it as soon as you remember. If you have only realised when you’re taking your next dose do not take a double dose. Almost everyone will be late or miss a dose occasionally. However this becomes a concern if it is happening regularly.

If you are regularly missing doses you are at risk of developing resistance. This means that you meds will stop working effectively. This is why adherence is important. Adherence means taking your meds every day and as close to the same time as possible.

If you are you can talk to your clinic about why you are missing doses. If it is because of side effects for example there might be different meds available.

There is more detail about what you should do if you miss a dose in this treatment training guide

And more information about adherence in our online guide to treatment.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Robert,

    It looks like your HIV meds are working well. So you must be taking them every day. Missing two days is likely to be fine.

    However, if it happens regularly missing two days can be a problem. This can lead to drug resistance.

    Some meds last longer in your body than others. Please see this Q&A about missing doses of Atripla.

    What HIV meds are you taking? Please let us know.

  2. Robert

    I have forgotten my medicine in a far place from where I work and meaning my tomorrows dose is affected I will not take because I don’t have it will it be bad if I take after two days when i get back where they are ?and if so will it affect my viral load because right now am undetectable. Please advice.

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Peter,

    It’s good that you started PEP within 24 hours. But you have to wait for 28 days after finishing PEP to have another HIV test. This can show if PEP has worked.

    Please see this link for all FAQs on HIV tests and transmission.

  4. Peter

    I slept with someone else within 24 hours I tested negative was prescribed pep and while on pep 6 days later I slept with my hiv negative partner, is she likely to be infected?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Jemz,

    You’re going to be fine. Missing one dose won’t increase your viral load. Taken it again at your normal time will be OK.

  6. Jemz

    Hi. I missed my dose for the first time last night 9pm and i am already undetectable. Will the viral load recur and develop resistance for just missing it for the first time? Or will i still be okay and just take the next following dose tomorrow at 9pm?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Zach,

    It’ll be fine to take the meds again at your normal time, or you can wait until tomorrow. Either way, you’ll be OK.

  8. Zach

    Hey I accidentally missed my dose of efavirenz and tenof em last night at 9:30pm. I immediately took a dose when I remembered at 6pm today. Should I continue with the 9:30pm dose or just skip it? I’ve been on the meds since June of last year.

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Jay,

    Going back to your normal time will be OK.

  10. Jay

    Hi, I missed a dose of LTE (ARV) and my usual time of taking it is at 10am. Since I missed a dose i took it when remembered at 8:30am. Should I continue with my usual 10am med the next day or go with the new 8:30am?


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