Q and A


What can I do if my ARVs are running out?

i’m HIV positive and my problem is that i was using an ARVs that i’ve used to collect in Pretoria clinic and now they are nearly finished. Before then i’ve transferred my file from Daveyton to Pretoria because i was moving to Pretoria location.

Now i came back to Daveyton and they said i can’t get another transfer and i don’t have enough money to go and collect my ARVs in Pretoria. Even here in Daveyton they refuse to give me a meds without file. I don’t know what to do.

Please help me or must i go to another clinic and start afresh from the tests?



If you are having trouble with your clinic(s), perhaps try contacting the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) in South Africa who could offer more practical advice.

If the clinic is saying you have to register again to get treatment, then is may be important to start doing this asap. I am sorry that I can’t help with more specific information.

i-Base are a treatment information project based in the UK and so we only comment in detail about UK services.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Malvern,

    i-base are based in the UK. If you’re in Zimbabwe this is something that you’ll need to ask about at your clinic.

  2. Malvern

    Hie em from Zimbabwe,was robbed and my passport was also took,so my problem is i am hiv positive,so how can i get medication without papers

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nomsa,

    This will depend on where it is that this person lives. The best thing to do is to contact the clinic where the ARVs are collected, they will be able to advice.

  4. Nomsa

    Is it possible to to collect Arv for someone if they r at work and can’t collect.

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Brenda,

    When are you going to be able to access your meds? Are you able to space them for a few days?

  6. Brenda

    I am running out of my ARVS

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Nomathemba,

    I’m sorry, this sounds like very poor service. But in South Africa you can contact Treatment Action Campaign (TAC). You can email or phone them, please see this link for contact. TAC have been working for access to quality healthcare in SA since 1998. They should be able to give you advice and support. Yes, switching to another clinic for treatment sounds like a very good idea.

  8. Nomathemba

    Am running out of ARVS, am using Q clinic they said they can’t find my file and they don’t want to make a duplicate to get my ARVS, sister said she needs my file in order to help me she said I won’t get my ARVS if there is no file and I don’t know what to do, please help me

    Am worried now because it third time coming here but they telling me something( they can’t find my file) am already default , because of the poor service they giving

    What should happen if I should give up on my ARVS, Ido not get help from this clinic can I go to other clinic to start up fresh?

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Malefu,

    Can you contact your doctor about this?

  10. malefu

    I need help i.m running out of arvs


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