
Can I take Tribuss in the morning to match shift work?

I want to start working night duty – 7 days on and 7 days off.

Can I take Tribuss in the morning when I’m on and at night when I’m off?



In the UK, people on shift work usually use a different HIV combination.

This is because efavirenz (one of the drugs in Tribuss) has side effects that are very difficult to manage for people who work shifts.

The side effects interfere with good sleep and often mean people are very tired the next day. Concentration is also difficult, your moods can change, and this gets especially difficult when changing a shift week.

Occasionally, people can find it is okay, but it is usually much easier to use an easier combination.

Information on efavirenz side effects:


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Peter,

    Yes, you can switch to any time of day. Switch once and then carry on at the new time.

    But if you are taking Tribuss and sometimes working daytime and sometimes at night, it can be difficult. That’s because it’s recommended to take Tribuss before bedtime.

    Please can you ask your doctor about switching to other HIV meds that can be better if you are working shifts.

  2. Peter

    Hi my question is ” I working 7 days day shift and 7 days night shift, I m using ARVs so can i take my pills in morning when I’m working night

  3. Simon Collins

    Tribuss is called Atripla in the UK. It includes three drugs that are active against HIV. These are efavirenz, emtricitabine (FTC) and tenofovir.

    Truvada only includes two drugs. These are emtricitabine (FTC) and tenofovir. These two drugs are active against both HIV and hepatitis B.

    For more information on individual drugs see this link page to all ARVs.

  4. Yak

    What combination of drug make up tribuss or truvada? (2) What are the importance of truvada


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