Q and A


What are the main blood tests after being diagnosed?

i have just been diagnosed with HIV and the Infectious disease doctor has me coming to the lab for bloodwork that will take 4-6 weeks for results. He says when he has the results he will start treating me.

What is this test and should i not be on meds sooner than 6 weeks from now?



The was HIV is treated can vary from country to country and you did not say where you live. This is one of the reasons we ask this when you ask a question.

The one test that is used in all countries is called a CD4 count – or CD4 test.

This is a blood test that give the doctor a rough idea of how much HIV may have damaged your immune system. It is one of the main tests that is used to decide when to start treatment.

Many countries, but not all, also use a viral load test. This blood test measure the level of HIV. See this link for more information on both tests:


Unless you have symptoms, your doctor probably decided that getting these results first was more important. This is something that you need to ask your doctor or clinic.

It is okay to ask anything you want. After finding out you are HIV positive you probably have many questions. Building up your knowledge is a good idea. If you want to read more about HIV and treatment before you next see your doctor, this online guide may be useful:



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