Q and A


How do weight loss tablets interact with ARVs?

Hi there again.

I wonder if you could give me some advice on side-effects.

I have recently purchased ALLI slimming tablets as I am really struggling to lose weight. I swim 30-50 lengths 3 times a week and eat fairly healthy with the odd curry every now and then and drink only on a Saturday, which I consider normal.

I am 36 years old, 5ft 7 inches tall, weigh 12 stone and have a BMI of 26.1, so I


Thank you for your question.

I understand how frustrating it can feel to eat healthily and exercise without loosing weight. However, whilst Alli has been shown to be effective at small weight loss in conjunction with a balanced diet, it may not be right for everyone.

Alli is from the trade name for a drug called orlistat. It works by preventing the fats in your diet from being absorbed, and they are passed though you unabsorbed (hence side effects of wind (flatulence), diarrhoea and messy underwear.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Luccy, if you are having constipation, please ask your doctor or pharmacist for the best treatment. There are lots of choices, including natural options.

    Any product talking about cleansing and detoxification is just marketing to sell you something. The body never needs to be cleansed or detoxified. Your body already does this naturally, by itself.

    Constipation is usually related to your diet, and the doctor or pharmacist can also talk about the importance of eating more fibre, fruit and vegetables.

  2. Luccy

    Hello doctor am luccy am on Art drugs please can i use a product called ‘Natural Cleansing and detoxification’? I am having a lot of constipation.thank u looking forword for ur answer.

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Neo,

    What ARVs are you taking? How much weight have you gained and over what time frame?

  4. Neo

    Hi my name is neo I’m HIV positive I gain weight can I use zinpex tablets to lose weight

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sinawo,

    Supplements aren’t usually recommended. What ARVs are you taking?

  6. Sinawo

    Hi am Sinawo
    Am on ARVS trestment
    So I would like to ask if it’s safe for me to use slimming products like flat tummy Tea and Pills because am gaining so much weight

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ntombikayise,

    What ARVs are you taking? How much weight have you gained and over what period of time?
    It’s not recommended to take slimming tables with ARVs are there could be an interaction.

  8. Ntombikayise

    Hi. I’m 45 years female on ARV treatment. I gained a lot of weight as I’m 110kg..can I use Kangmei sliming capsules?

  9. Lisa Thorley
  10. Pretty

    Hy am a female of 33 on meds and default for 7years and I started again for the last 7 months now I have gain a lot from 74 to 101 it is safe for me to use orijins slim tablets and tea


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