Q and A


Can i get married if i have HIV?

I am newly diagnosed and female, i am only 20. Can i get married if i have HIV?



I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis.

There is no reason, related to HIV, that you cannot get married. It is also common now to have children who are negative.

HIV treatment today is very effective. Some people who are on effective HIV treatment can expect to live as long as someone who does not have HIV. HIV should not be something to be ashamed of and it does not make you less of a person. It may take a while to find the right person but many people with HIV are happy in relationships.

You can find information about being newly diagnosed on our website.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Alyann, yes you can get married. Being HIV positive should not impact your ability to get married.

    It is important to be aware of your own country’s laws. Unfortunately not all countries are as liberal with HIV status as others. In the UK there is no requirement to disclose your status to your partner if you intend to marry. This is not the case for all and to remain lawful you need to be aware of this.

  2. Alyaan

    I have hiv positive can I get marriage?? And my viral loud is non detective

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Beckywhite, how are you feeling? have you told anyone about your status? If you are not comfortable, do not feel a pressure to tell your family immediately. Do you know how they feel about HIV? and would you be safe to disclose this to them?

    This is a link to the i-base disclosure Q&A: https://i-base.info/qa/category/disclosure Many people are unsure about how to share their status with their loved ones. These previous questions may provide some insight for what is best in your own situation.

  4. Beckywhite

    I found out am HIV positive today don’t know to tell my family and boyfriend or admit to my self

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Shanilla, thanks, most people still find it difficult to learn they are HIV positive. Even though it feels difficult now, it will get much easier. HIV treatment – called ART – is very effective and easy to take.

    It is probably good to make sure your HIV results was confirmed by a second test at the lab.

    If this is confirmed, then it is better to look forwards rather than worrying and looking back. It can often help to talk to other people living with HIV who can help at this difficult time.

  6. Shanilla

    I can’t believe that am HIV positive

  7. Simon Collins

    Thanks for your enthusiasm John :)

  8. John

    Reading this Question made me Laugh!. Oh Yes Jennifer you can get married!… I am HIV – but I can date you! ..if things works out! We can get married.

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Jennifer. HIV should not prevent you being married. This is a link to a previous question with stories from people in similar situations as yourself: https://i-base.info/qa/263/

  10. jennifer

    I HIV positive and I want to get married


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