Q and A


Can i get married if i have HIV?

I am newly diagnosed and female, i am only 20. Can i get married if i have HIV?



I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis.

There is no reason, related to HIV, that you cannot get married. It is also common now to have children who are negative.

HIV treatment today is very effective. Some people who are on effective HIV treatment can expect to live as long as someone who does not have HIV. HIV should not be something to be ashamed of and it does not make you less of a person. It may take a while to find the right person but many people with HIV are happy in relationships.

You can find information about being newly diagnosed on our website.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Ayoola, having a child who is HIV negative is very common. Is your partner on medication? If he is and his viral load is undetectable you will be safe to have sex without a condom and no risk to you or baby. You could also consider the use of PrEP which would reduce the risk of transmission to yourself and mean you can have sex without a condom. While you are testing negative throughout your pregnancy there is no additional risk to baby.

  2. Ayoola

    How will give negative lady Mary a positive man and still have negative children,I need to know

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Gaurav, where in the world are you? In the UK disclosing an individuals HIV status is not law prior to entering marriage.


    In mr x v hospital z (AIR 1999) SC 495 , THE SUPREME COURT observed that a person suffering from hiv prior to the marriage must be injuncted from entering into marriage

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Sonu, in the UK – and many other countries – it is very common for HIV positive people to have relationships with HIV negative people. This includes getting married and having children. This has always been possible.

    A few cuntries might have different laws but this is changing.

    Using HIV treatment can stop transmission if viral load is undetectable. Please see here:

  6. Sonu

    I am HIV positive. Can I marry negative partner

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi ADIDI,

    Your status shouldn’t be an issue, if you want to marry, then marry. If you’re concerned about possible transmission, as long as you’re taking ARVs and your viral load is undetectable there’s no risk.

  8. ADIDI

    I want to get married I am HIV positive.

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Timothy,

    Many HIV positive men get married – to partners who are either HIV positive or HIV negative. If their partner is HIV-negative it’s still possible to have children.

    Please see this Q&A for websites to meet other people who are HIV positive.


    I HIV positive I want married


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