Q and A


My CD4 has dropped, should i be worried?

I was diagnosed HIV positive last year. My partner started his meds after me but his CD4 has risen more quickly. Is there something wrong? My CD4 has also dropped from 480 to 470, what is happening? I’m still undetectable.



The fact your CD4 count has dropped from 480 to 470 is not something to worry about. This is particularly true because your viral load is undetectable. CD4 tells you how well your immune system is doing. Rather than focussing on individual results doctors take several CD4 counts together to see how it is changing. Many things that are not related to HIV can also affect your count. These can be as simple as what time of day it is or if you have eaten. The fact your viral load is undetectable shows you that your treatment is still working.

It is not unusual that your husband’s CD4 has risen at a different rate than yours. HIV behaves differently in different people. The fact you started treatment earlier does not necessarily mean your CD4 would now be higher. A CD4 of 470 is still very strong. It is a long way above the level at which you’d have to worry about HIV related infections.

You can find more information about CD4 count in our online guide.


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