
I missed my dose by 3 hours – should i be concerned?

My viral load is undetectable and my CD4 is 620. I was 3 hours late with Truvada + Edurant. My VL has been undetectable for more then three years. This is the first time I missed a dose by more than one hour.

Should I be concerned about this one off mistake?



You do not need to worry about this affecting your treatment. Every one misses a dose by a few hours, or even completely, every so often. This is ok as long as it does not happen regularly. If it  does it can affect your treatment by causing drug resistance.

Again though you do not need to worry about this particularly as you say this is the first time it has happened. It sounds like you are doing really well being adherent. Adherence means taking your meds at the same time and in the way you are supposed too every day.

You can find more information about adherence in our treatment guide.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Judies,

    When someone is new to meds, its important to try and stick to a fixed time. However, if its just a few hours late or early you’ll be OK.

  2. Judies

    Hi. I took my pills after 2 hours from the prescribed time and I just started treatment a week ago. Will I be affected? And can I go back to the Normal time I was taking?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ahmed,

    Taking the meds an hour late won’t be an issue. However if you can try and take them as prescribed that would be better.

  4. Ahmed

    Am on pep on the third day.i took my once a day medication noe hour late ,would that be a problem?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Argie,

    There isn’t anything to worry about with regards to taking your meds at the same time. Its not going to affect your HIV.

  6. Argie

    I missed to take lamizido at 8pm. So i took it at 10 Pm together with my efaverins. Should I be worried?

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Phumlani,
    Taking a double dose is not great, but it’s likely to be okay. See this similar Q&A here.

  8. Phumlani

    Hi I think I accidentally took a double dose of my ARVs I usually take my odimune at 9pm but I woke up at 12:00am and took one thinking I forgot to take at 9pm. Should I be worried?

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lemah,

    No its not an overdoes. And you’ll be OK.

  10. Lemah

    I missed my dose of tribuss by 10 hours a day when I woke up at 6h15 in the morning I took it and went back to sleep. I am due for the next one at 8pm. Is this an overdose?


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