Q and A


Can i infect my baby through breast feeding?

I’m in South Africa. I am 8 months pregnant, and HIV positive. I started taking ARVs when i was 6 months pregnant. I have a baby boy whose 3 years now and I had him while I had HIV. I never breastfed him I only gave him formula milk and he is okay, I never had any problems. Now with what they have taught us i am very confused about what to do. Is it safe for me to breastfeed my baby when i give birth or is there any chance I might infect my baby through breastfeeding?



Congratulations on your pregnancy!

It is great that you are on treatment. This will help prevent your child becoming positive while you are pregnant and during birth. It is also good for your health.

It is great to hear that your other child is doing well and does not have HIV. You did the right thing by only feeding him formula milk.

If you can access it and afford it it is recommended that you feed your baby formula and do not breastfeed it. This is because there is a risk of transmission from breastfeeding. If you cannot access formula it is ok to breastfeed if you are on treatment. You should not switch back and forth between the two methods. This increases the risk of HIV transmission.

So it is safest to use formula but most risky if you switch back and forth between formula and breastfeeding.

You can find more information about HIV and pregnancy in our online guide.


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