Q and A


I have been switched from Truvada to Combivir, is there a risk?

I have just started treatment with Truvada and efavirenz. Due to the nature of health care in my country, the health authorities have swiched all treatments to Combivir and efavirenz. Is there a risk from this sudden shift? I have been taking Truvada for 2 months.



This switch is unlikely to have any immediate effect soon your health. It is likely that by the time you switch your viral load (the amount of HIV in your blood) was already undetectable.  This is unlikely to change with this new combination.

However Combivir contains a drug called zidovudine or AZT. This is an older HIV drug that is associated with more side effects that the drugs in Truvada. For this reason it is not commonly used in the UK anymore.

You can find more information about Combivir in our online drugs guide.


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