Q and A


My CD4 count is 970. Am I doing well?

My CD4 count is 970. Am I doing well?



You do not say whether or not you are on treatment. Either way a CD4 count of 970 is very strong. The range for person that does not have HIV is somewhere between 400 and 1600 so you are doing very well.

If you are on treatment, do you know what your viral load is? The main aim of HIV treatment is to get an undetectable viral load.

If you are not on treatment, in the past it would have been a while until you started. However advice has now changed because of new research. It recommends that everyone who has HIV starts treatment. This is because the research showed that even at high CD4 counts there is risk of people getting HIV related  illnesses.

You can find more information about the START study on our website


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Louisa.

    What was your CD4 count and viral load before you started medication?

  2. Louisa

    Hi I was on medication however I stopped taking my treatment about 6 months ago due to the really bad side affects ie dizziness and sickness. Today i got my results abit shocked as my cd4 was 1185 and my viral undetectable dont kno how this is possible.

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Bonita,

    It could be a lab error, or a blip. Is it possible to test again?

  4. Bonita


    Please advise, my CD4 count is 970 and my viral load as of today 27.01.2017 is 74.

    My issue is that my viral load was undetectable. Should I be worried?
    I am 10years on treatment. I’m on ARV’s (odimune pills).


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