Q and A


Do Truvada and Sustiva cause weight loss?


Truvada is a combination medication that includes tenofovir and FTC. Sustiva is also know as efavirenz.

This combination is not generally linked to weight loss. If anything, most people put on weight in the first few months of treatment.

However, a few people get different responses, so although unusual, it may be related to treatment.

More importantly, you need to speak to your doctor in case the weight loss is related to something other than your HIV combination.

Your doctor will want to know how much weight you have lost over what time, and also whether this is related to fat loss or muscle loss, and if you have other symptoms

Unexplained weight loss of more than 5% of your body weight over 6 months (ie when you are still eating well and not dieting) is something your doctor needs to take very seriously.


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